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YUME Education Post Session Feedback Survey
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We would like to express our gratitude for your active participation in our recent training session. Your commitment and enthusiasm play a vital role in making the Yume Education Program a success. We are committed to ongoing improvement, and we value your feedback. We kindly request your participation in our Post Session Feedback Survey.
Section 1: About You
Business Name
Education Session Location
New York Showroom (NY)
Southeast Showroom (NC)
Midwest Showroom (MO)
Southwest Showroom (TX)
Pacific West Showroom (CA)
Other (please specify):
Level of Product Interest
Yes, I want to explore Takara Belmont products.
Yes, I want to buy Takara Belmont products.
Yes, I want to upgrade existing equipment.
No, I am not interested at this time.
Other (please specify):
Other Location
Other Interest Level
Which Takara Belmont products do you own (check all that apply)?
Yume Espoir
Yume IXI
RS3 Elite
Spa Mist II
Micro Mist
None of the above
Section 2: Your Feedback
Your input will provide us with valuable insights into your experience, identify our areas of strength, and pinpoint areas where we can further enhance our training sessions. Please provide us with honest Your input will provide us with valuable insights into your experience, identify our areas of strength, and pinpoint areas where we can further enhance our training sessions.
1. Did you find the training too long or too short?
Too long
Just the right length
Too short
2. Do you think sufficient time was allotted for each section?
Yes, the time was appropriate and allowed for a thorough understanding of the content.
No, the time was insufficient, and it felt rushed, resulting in a limited understanding of the content.
Somewhat, the timewas adequate for some sections, but for others, it could have been more or less, depending on the complexity of the material.
3. Do you think the class was an appropriate size?
Yes, the class size was ideal
No, the class size was too large.
No, the class size was too small.
4. How would you rate the organization and delivery of the training?
Poor: Significantly lacking. Disorganized, unstructured, and poorly executed. Participants had difficulty understanding the content and felt unsupported throughout the training.
Fair: Had some flaws. Occasional disorganization/confusion and minor issues affecting the participant learning experience. Overall, somewhat effective and adequately delivered.
Average: Satisfactory. Well-structured content, clear delivery, and participants felt adequately supported throughout the training without major difficulties.
Good: High quality, well-organized with logical flow and effective instructional materials. Engaging delivery, active participant involvement, prompt issue resolution, and positive overall experience.
Excellent: Meticulously planned and flawlessly executed, the content was highly relevant and tailored. The delivery was engaging, interactive, and inspiring, keeping participants fully supported and motivated for a highly effective learning experience.
5. How would you rate the clarity and quality of the information presented?
Poor: It was confusing and of low quality, making it difficult to understand the concept and techniques taught.
Fair: It was somewhat clear, but improvements could be made to enhance the quality of instruction.
Average: It was adequate in terms of clarity and quality, providing a satisfactory understanding of the concept and techniques taught.
Good: It was clear and of good quality, enabling a solid comprehension of the concept and techniques.
Excellent: It was outstanding in terms of clarity and quality, making it easy to understand and grasp the concept and techniques.
6. How would you rate your instructor’s skill and knowledge of the material?
Poor: The instructor demonstrates a lack of understanding and struggles to effectively convey the subject matter.
Fair: The instructor possesses some basic knowledge of the material, but their expertise is limited.
Average: The instructor has a satisfactory level of skill and knowledge.
Good: The instructor demonstrates a high level of skill and knowledge in the subject matter.
Excellent: The instructor possesses exceptional skill and knowledge of the material.
7. Based on the training you received, how confident are you in your ability to effectively perform the Yume Head Spa service on a customer?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Moderately confident
Very confident
Extremely confident
8. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how satisfied were you with the class.
(1) being "Very Dissatisfied" and (5) "Very Satisfied"
9. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how likely are you to pursue additional training/enroll in additional classes?
(1) being "Highly Unlikely" and (5) "Highly Likely"
10. Could you identify any areas where the course could have been improved or where there may have been shortcomings? Please provide specific details or examples.
Do you have any other comments, questions or concerns?
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