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b.LUXE Hair and Makeup Studio

b.LUXE Hair and Makeup Studio, Medway, MA– Reimagining the space, b.LUXE introduced Knoll styling chairs as a staple element to the styling area. It uses two-sided reception desks to accommodate two clients at a time, and maintain social distancing. Behind the front desk, b.LUXE added a media wall to catch and bounce sunlight, creating a flattering backdrop for our social media images. The décor eliminated one of the planned treatment rooms in an earlier design, opting for a private service space for our high-clientele or those receiving chemical services.


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Takara Turns 100 Contest

Takara Turns

One Hundred.

#TakaraTurns100 Celebration & Contest

Grand Prize

Celebrate #TakaraTurns100 by sharing your story!

Now until April 30, 2022, you can enter to win our Salon & Spa Grand Prize package with a Roller Ball F processor or the Barber prize package with a Legacy barber chair. Share your dreams, experiences, and success stories for an opportunity to take home a grand prize package.

All prizes are awarded by contest category: Barber and Salon & Spa. Each category features (1) Grand Prize, (10) Runner-up, and (10) Honoree winners. For more details, follow the contest entry form below. 

Extended Entry Period: 12/31/2021 – 4/30/2022

Enter to Win
Salon & Spa Prize

$4,000+ Approximate Value

  • Roller Ball F Stand Type
  • Commemorative Anniversary Tumbler
  • Takara Belmont Insulated Bottle
  • Limited Edition Takara Travel Tote
  • Icon Imprinted Lip Balm
  • 2022 Takara Belmont Calendar
  • 100th Anniversary
  • Face Mask
  • Takara Spray Bottle
Barber Prize

$7,600+ Approximate Value

  • Legacy Barber Chair w/ Red Upholstery
  • Commemorative Anniversary Tumbler
  • Takara Belmont Insulated Water Bottle
  • Limited Edition Takara Travel Tote
  • Icon Imprinted Lip Balm
  • 2022 Takara Belmont Calendar
  • 100th Anniversary Face Mask
  • Miniature Collector’s Chair Model
  • Koken Vintage Barber Supplies Poster

Runner Up

Celebrate #TakaraTurns100 by sharing your story!

Now until April 30, 2022, you can enter to win our Salon & Spa Grand Prize package with a Roller Ball F processor or the Barber prize package with a Legacy barber chair. Share your dreams, experiences, and success stories for an opportunity to take home a grand prize package.

All prizes are awarded by contest category: Barber and Salon & Spa. Each category features (1) Grand Prize, (10) Runner-up, and (10) Honoree winners. For more details, follow the contest entry form below. 

Extended Entry Period: 6/15 – 4/30/2022

Enter to Win
Salon & Spa Prize

$400+ Approximate Value

  • Exclusive 100th Anniversary Purchase Certificate
  • Commemorative 100th Anniversary Tumbler
  • Takara Belmont Insulated Water Bottle
  • Limited Edition Takara Travel Tote
  • Icon Imprinted Lip Balm
  • 2022 Takara Belmont Calendar
  • 100th Anniversary Face Mask
Barber Prize

$500+ Approximate Value

  • Exclusive 100th Anniversary Purchase Certificate
  • Commemorative 100th Anniversary Tumbler
  • Takara Belmont Insulated Water Bottle
  • Limited Edition Takara Travel Tote
  • Icon Imprinted Lip Balm
  • 2022 Takara Belmont Calendar
  • 100th Anniversary Face Mask
  • Koken Vintage Barber Poster
  • Miniature Collector’s Chair Model


Celebrate #TakaraTurns100 by sharing your story!

Now until April 30, 2022, you can enter to win our Salon & Spa Grand Prize package with a Roller Ball F processor or the Barber prize package with a Legacy barber chair. Share your dreams, experiences, and success stories for an opportunity to take home a grand prize package.

All prizes are awarded by contest category: Barber and Salon & Spa. Each category features (1) Grand Prize, (10) Runner-up, and (10) Honoree winners. For more details, follow the contest entry form below. 

Extended Entry Period: 6/15 – 4/30/2022

Enter to Win
Salon & Spa Prize

$75+ Approximate Value

  • Limited Edition Takara Travel Tote
  • Icon Imprinted Lip Balm
  • 2022 Takara Belmont Calendar
  • 100th Anniversary Face Mask
Barber Prize

$150+ Approximate Value

  • Limited Edition Takara Travel Tote
  • Icon Imprinted Lip Balm
  • 2022 Takara Belmont Calendar
  • 100th Anniversary Face Mask
  • Koken Vintage Barber Poster
  • Miniature Collector’s Chair Model

Salon Inspiration

Take a look at the Salon of the Year honorees below, featuring Takara Belmont equipment:

Design Portfolio


NEW YORK, NY – Takara Belmont USA, Inc. takes proactive action to protect customers and employees amid COVID-19 outbreak by supporting greater social distancing with temporary office closures, work-from-home programs, and other wellness practices.

“First and foremost, we want to maintain a safe environment and encourage practices to protect the health of customers, visitors, employees, and others,” said Rachel de la Pena-Martin, Manager of General Affairs. “We ask everyone to follow CDC guidelines to reduce the transmission of communicable diseases.”

Takara Belmont USA will close their New York showroom and office, which is located at 17 West 56th Street, New York, NY. The short-term showroom closure will remain in effect between March 16 to March 25, 2020, which may be extended until March 30th or later, as more information becomes available. All eligible employees will work remotely to continue efforts to support customers and partners.

“Our customers, communities, and industry are all finding new ways to engage each other,” said Steve Hughes, National Sales Manager. “While we are taking steps to limit in-person interactions, we continue to keep an eye towards the future by expanding the services we offer and the way we can communicate.”

During the closure, the New York showroom team will be available to support customers via e-mail, phone, or video conference. Customers, partners, and other interested parties may contact the showroom by submitting an online request or sending an e-mail to their local representative. A few of our other showrooms and offices are currently considering similar practices, including reducing and/or rotating staff, and pre-scheduling customer visits to limit the number of simultaneous visitors in the showroom. Please contact your local showroom before your next visit.

“Adhering to the Takara Belmont standard means ensuring a safe and healthy environment,” said Shige Kaneyama, General Manager. “While none of our employees have tested positive for COVID-19 or show symptoms, we decided to close our showroom in the best interest of our employees and clients.”

Stay informed about COVID-19 symptoms, precautions, news, and more at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Below are a few practices to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid close contact with people who are sick with respiratory symptoms.
  2. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  5. Stay home when you are sick except to get medical care.
  6. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

To learn more about Takara Belmont’s industry-leading offerings, contact your local sales representative today or navigate to our products section.


Styling Chair The Choco chair brings luxury to your salon in a compact design through it's plush cushioning, finished look, and slim body style.    
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Styling Chair The spacious sofa seating and modern design provide optimal support for clients and easy access for stylists, topped off with a modern flair. Featuring premium piping accents, wide…
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Better Business Results with Takara Belmont

Takara Belmont knows that world class salon furniture and equipment should do more than assist in services. It should help you transform your business, expand your services menu, and open up retail opportunities. Read below to find out how Takara Belmont’s products will give you the results that you deserve:

The YUME Head Spa

Recently featured on, the YUME Head Spa has been on the rise in spas and salons all over the US – and it’s easy to see why.  The YUME Head Spa provides clients with a spa-like experience, while dramatically improving hair and scalp health. Clients love the service for it’s unparalleled comfort and relaxation, while business owners and technicians love how it differentiates their business from the competition.

Riche Eyelash Collection

Finally! A collection specifically tailored to eyelash services. Technicians and clients deserve to be comfortable throughout lengthy and intricate treatments. The Riche collection is here to provide just that. Developed through extensive research, the Riche provides long-lasting comfort and safety for technicians and their guests alike. Learn more about the first collection developed specifically for eyelash services today.

Interested in learning more about our specialty service furniture and equipment? Contact for more information.

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